Archive for 2018年7月31日

“Before I die…” 「死ぬまでにしたいこと」 @ けんぶち1受けたい授業


We installed “Before I die…” wall in our booth at “the 8th Most Interesting Classes in Kembuchi.” This is the community art project originally created and started by Ms. Candy Chang. (About the project: )



こんな風に、両面に書ける黒板を作って設置しました。 ここに「私が死ぬまでにやりたいこと」を書いてもらいます。 We made the blackboard with 2 sides. We asked our guest to write what they want to do before they die on the blackboard.









お子さん向けのイベントということで、沢山のこどもさん達に書いてもらえました。 This was at the event for kids. Many many children wrote on the wall.





大人の方々にも参加していただけました。 Also some adults wrote on it.






これが参加してくださった方々の「死ぬ前にやりたいこと」です! What people (mostly kids) wrote on the “Before I die…” wall were as below.

“Before I die, I want to grow taller and be 170 cm tall.”

“Before I die, I want to travel around the world.”

“Before I die, I want to go to many places.”

“Before I die, with my grand kid(s), I want to go find the tree which appears in the book, ‘Munya and Star Tree.'”

“Before I die, I want to win the basketball national championship.”

“Before I die, I want to make electrically-driven things.”

“Before I die, I want to go to the concert of AAA.”

“Before I die, I want to live with cat(s).”

“Before I die, I want to do farm works.”

“Before I die, I want to be a doctor.”

“Before I die, I want to be a basketball player.”

“Before I die, I want to be an animal nurse.”

“Before I die, I want to be a doctor.”

“Before I die, I want to travel overseas.”

“Before I die, I want to live healthy.”

“Before I die, I want to meet all kinds of wild penguins.”

“Before I die, I want to be on TV.”

“Before I die, I want to do ‘kataki’ with koki.”

“Before I die, I want to be a volleyball player.”

“Before I die, I don’t want to die.”

“Before I die, I want to get a license.”

“Before I die, I want to travel around the world.”

“Before I die, I want to go to world tour.”

“Before I die, I want to be chosen as an all-star member.”

“Before I die, I want to win the national championship again.”

“Before I die, I want to be a professional calligrapher.”

“Before I die, I want to go to Okinawa.”

“Before I die, I want to have a HUGE feast with the ones I love.”

“Before I die, I want to start planning for the end of life.”

“Before I die, I want to eat till I get full.”